Labour Loot Aquanatal® Medical Clearance Form

The Medical Clearance Form must be completed prior to commencing classes in pregnancy and again prior to commencing classes after birth.

Labour Loot Aquanatal® will keep your personal details in strict confidence in line with our privacy policy and no details will be shared with any third party.

Exercise during pregnancy and after birth is encouraged, suitable and beneficial for most healthy women with an uncomplicated pregnancy or postnatal period. There are, however, some situations when it is not advisable to exercise. To ensure that exercise, even low-impact exercise such as Aquanatal®, is safe for you and your baby, you need medical clearance from your midwife, obstetrician or GP before you can attend your first class. This is an insurance requirement for Labour Loot Aquanatal®.

Please download the form using the link below and take it to your midwife, obstetrician or GP then email the completed/signed form to Labour Loot Aquanatal® ( prior to your first class.

If you have any questions about this form, please contact Clare at Labour Loot Aquanatal® on 0410 332 917 or email

Please remember, you also need to complete the Registration Form prior to commencing classes in pregnancy and again prior to commencing classes after birth.